Saturday, February 6, 2010

W3: Weak Wilke Workout

Wilke is not to be messed with. I've never done very well at Wilke, but on Tuesday, I decided that perhaps I was in good enough shape to head out there with the Boston group of Gazelles. Boy, was I wrong.

First of all, I've had a head and chest cold since 3M. I laid off a bit hoping to get better, but truthfully, I was still hacking up a lung. My friend and fellow Boston Mom in training, L. had the same thing. We were running along like two smokers who had just quit. We stayed together and left early. Thank God for L. Group after group kicked my butt. I had to walk up after three. I only did five, no sprints and none backwards.

Ah well, chalk it up. I've got some work to do, but I have to get better.

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