Sunday, November 30, 2008

Is Training Selfish?

I throw this out there because I think it's something lots of moms struggle with -- is this sanity, insanity or just plain selfishness ?

I am reminded of this at a recent gathering of moms to celebrate the pending birth of yet another new life in this world. I try to avoid the entire subject of running, but someone else brings it up. The conversation quickly turns to discussion of various races and spouses training for things. Seems like each woman has given up her regular regime or altered her regime to suit the family. One woman mentions a person who actually recently announced a divorce of a female friend who spent all her time training. I don't contribute to the discussion anymore. I'm not sure what to say, so it's better that I say nothing.

I think I would go crazy without running. It helps me calm down, sort out my troubles, stay focused, and it gives me energy. And, when I have a goal, I have something else to focus on, to strive for, to prove to myself. But, after listening to these women, I wonder if I being selfish.

I run early in the day, often leaving the house at 4:30 to get a run in. There are two mornings a week that my husband gets my son ready for school and drives him in. I get a sitter for my daughter those two mornings. On Saturday's, I leave early and am home just in time for breakfast usually. I skip stretching on Saturday's and any post-run socializing. I just get it in and go. Now I sound like I'm defending myself.

Anyway, with so many moms who put so much of their lives on hold for their kids, their husbands and their family lives, isn't it ok to carve out a little time for yourself?

I'll postpone Boston until 2010 to give my body and my family a break from my training.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

You are teaching your kiddos that you can be a great mom *and* well-rounded person. You are teaching them that being a good mom does not mean giving up your hobbies. The fact that you get up at 4:30am to run and skip stretching proves you aren't selfish. It's just the ever-present mom-guilt that we give ourselves. I wish we didn't do that, but we do.