Friday, January 9, 2009


Well, now that I have your attention. Today, I had a nooner. No, not the kind you are thinking of...I went to the trail and ran, at noon...exactly.

The trail is different at noon. There are lots of people, dogs, and, um, smokers, iPhoners. It's not like the morning (like 5 or 5:30) when it's mostly Gazelles, people with routines, and, let's nto forget, the stick lady.

But, I had to get my run in as my husband is on a boondoggle ... I mean ski trip in Tahoe and there will be no running on Sat. In fact, that was my first reaction, but what about my long run? (Like a child, I might add).

And, I must say, it's not fun at noon. Not running anyway. I slogged it. My legs hurt; it was hot and I was in a time crunch. 9 became 7, 7 became all went down hill. I imagined that my face was turning as red as my hair and that my stride looked completely Frankensteinish.

I longed for a Gazelle to run me down, run in front of me, behind me, anywhere. Maybe someone I knew was doing a recovery at noon or a double.

I tried to pass people, I got slower. I quit so easily. Couldn't Gilbert or Bernard just magically appear?

I am a morning runner. I am not a good lone runner.

The 3 M looms large. My expectations dwindle quickly. In fact today, they are up in smoke.

Garcon, more wine please! oh, and a cigarette!



Let's pace each other at 3M! I'm aiming for sub 1:34.

Red said...

Ok, I'm there..where do you want to meet?

Katie said...

I give you points for your use of the word "boondoggle." And bonus points for having the longest blogspot URL in the history.

Please, Alicia. Please. Tell me how to become a runner. I beg you. I soooo want to be a runner, but I have the endurance and speed of a... ::: tries to think of something sluggish ::: panda? They seem lazy and slow. I don't want to use the word "sloth." Too obvious.
