Saturday, February 7, 2009

Running the wrong way

To say that the last few weeks have been challenging is an understatement. And, the fact that I've had to squeeze in workouts and figure out how to run makes it worse. I sound whiny, but I guess I was spoiled for so long. I had a routine, a sitter and it worked. Now, I'm winging it everyday and, frankly, I hate it.

I used to hate running. Honestly, I am not an athlete. I'm a dork. I'm the person no one wanted on their team. I Irish Danced before "Lord of the Dance" came around and everyone made fun of me, so I quit. I started running at 3o when I decided to do triathlons. Now, I'm 43. Where did the time go?

I have goals this year, but don't know if I'll accomplish them. I'll try. I just want to get Boston in 2010. MW posted a great "info sheet" on Boston and I was equally scared and excited. I know I have a lot of training ahead of me. And, to be honest, my whole right side still bothers me .... A LOT.

At the end of my run today, I didn't intend to do so, but ran the opposite direction of some Gazelles just starting. By that point, I was in pain and frustrated. I said hi and smiled a lot. My right leg aches from my hip, down my hamstring to my calf. When I stop, finally, I am hobbled, just like my San Antonio finish and I go to the annex to stretch.

I want to fix it and fast. I need a good run and soon.

1 comment:


Oddly enough, I've been having pain and numbness in my right leg as well...weird